
The Tarn Canoe-Kayak Departmental Committee
Non-profit association under the 1901 law , works all year round, yes even in winter!
For practitioners affiliated and non-affiliated with the French Federation of Canoe-Kayak and paddle sports,
To all audiences : young people, adults, people with disabilities, in town and in the rural valleys of the department
For the preservation of access to rivers and bodies of water in the department,
For raising awareness of the aquatic environment among the occasional and permanent practicing public
For the promotion of “sport” in particular Canoe-Kayak and all paddle sports
Located near the Saut du Sabo site in ARTHES, we provide support for the 4 clubs in the Tarn department through weekly supervision of “paddle schools”, training and support for the “young departmental team”, the co-organization of events and competitions in the territory…
The 4 FFCK clubs in the department